EVMOS Testnet block explorer evmos_9000-4
This is Testnet block explorer of EVMOS Testnet
⚠️ Testnet data has not synced historical blocks and some data may not be fully correct or present.
@Developers: a simple workaround is to deploy new contracts

Address Details

EVM-style Address:

EVMOS Testnet-style Address:

TEVMOS balance:
532,477.657325705679860936 TEVMOS

Total staked:
2,595,171.198961914290513233 TEVMOS
👉 1,483,125.879 TEVMOS into DefierET
👉 990,000.0072 TEVMOS into Do not delegate
👉 52,351.5331 TEVMOS into Coinbase Cloud
👉 4,409.477 TEVMOS into SweepStake
👉 4,401.6433 TEVMOS into azstake
👉 4,401.6423 TEVMOS into pathrocknetwork
👉 4,365.4019 TEVMOS into blockscape
👉 4,318.8603 TEVMOS into Plural
👉 4,276.6165 TEVMOS into anode ☄️
👉 4,263.306 TEVMOS into airdropdao
👉 4,187.7807 TEVMOS into MMS
👉 4,108.5856 TEVMOS into DokiaCapital
👉 4,071.2741 TEVMOS into P2P Validator
👉 4,031.2801 TEVMOS into BwareLabs
👉 3,667.2622 TEVMOS into Validatrium
👉 3,658.4764 TEVMOS into Nodes.Guru
👉 3,465.9963 TEVMOS into my_wallet
👉 3,437.9733 TEVMOS into MCB
👉 2,467.8918 TEVMOS into Pro-Nodes75
👉 1,815.117 TEVMOS into yieazy
👉 671.9562 TEVMOS into cryptobtcbuyer
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