EVMOS Testnet block explorer evmos_9000-4
This is Testnet block explorer of EVMOS Testnet
⚠️ Testnet data has not synced historical blocks and some data may not be fully correct or present.
@Developers: a simple workaround is to deploy new contracts

Address Details

EVM-style Address:

EVMOS Testnet-style Address:

TEVMOS balance:
2.114159761439871527 TEVMOS

Total staked:
4,023.674781480810575273 TEVMOS
👉 4,023.6747 TEVMOS into ChainTools_Testnet_Validator
BBDD10423A0C30A... from 5 days ago
192D9C649651849... from 114 days ago
Notice: the account tracking feature has started on Evmos Block Explorer since 2023, July 25th so the "Last Txn Sent" information might not correct if this wallet has been in-active after this timeline and the "First Txn Sent" information might not correct if this wallet actived before this timeline.
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