EVMOS Testnet block explorer evmos_9000-4
This is Testnet block explorer of EVMOS Testnet
⚠️ Testnet data has not synced historical blocks and some data may not be fully correct or present.
@Developers: a simple workaround is to deploy new contracts
Cosmos Transactions of #16789453
Txn Hash Type Block Time Msg Total Value
Txn Fee
7EF98FC1DCF78C15B30214E00E8EC9D4B396DCB9F88D82666838591179B2578A 0xbfcd5771 16789453 2023-09-01 06:44:27 UTC 1 0.000011
244FC42E66E4EF59451A7D35F4AEE4F53920FFEAD2FFD1E88112C793D56F1D23 0xacdad979 16789453 2023-09-01 06:44:27 UTC 1 0.0004159