EVMOS Testnet block explorer evmos_9000-4
This is Testnet block explorer of EVMOS Testnet
⚠️ Testnet data has not synced historical blocks and some data may not be fully correct or present.
@Developers: a simple workaround is to deploy new contracts
Cosmos Transactions of #16794736
Txn Hash Type Block Time Msg Total Value
Txn Fee
DC0C70A86C881415FBE32786C645304A2F26AD499E52998EC8567A57429A9C3D 0xacdad979 16794736 2023-09-01 11:54:57 UTC 1 0.0004159
3E409FC44003657F2CA96445C8557DEDE16E0AD006359AE4A113A47A3695C973 repayBorrow 16794736 2023-09-01 11:54:57 UTC 1 0.00030157